
There’s a lot of pleasure to be had by attracting wildlife of all kinds to your garden. Birds are easy to invite to visit if you have a couple of bird tables and plenty of food for them, and you can also attract the likes of squirrels if you have the right environment for them, and they are great fun to watch. No matter the size of your garden, you can always make sure it is a friendly place for the local fauna, and it is not expensive to do.

Earthworms actually play a role in creating humus, which is a type of soil that holds nutrients in place for the growth of plants. Not only that, but earthworms help improve soil structure. The worms' burrows create drainage channels and they create aeration.

Whether you want to decorate your home in natural colors, adopt a 100% rustic style or mix various interior décor styles creating a certain unique theme, whisky barrel furniture can help you achieve your goals without a sizable investment.

Do you want to improve the soil in your garden? Did you know that mushroom compost can help in improving your soil? Get to know how to create a mushroom compost for soil improvement by the given information below.

Trees growing in our urban environments face a lot of stress from both natural and unnatural causes. While every tree is at risk from drought, insects and disease, our city trees also have unique problems that contribute to their early demise. Factors such as pollution, soil compaction, construction damage and heat radiation from pavement all play a role in the health and longevity of our neighborhood trees.

In regards to pool cleaners, two different definitions come from this term. One, the automatic/automated pool cleaners which are vacuum cleaners and are mainly used in specific to the collection of debris and sediments from the swimming' pools and second, the technicians who ensure pools are kept clean and services the major pool equipment.

Do you know what propolis is? Along with honey, beewax and royal jelly, it is one of the wonderful rewards of the beekeeping activity. Unfortunately little known among people, it is however an excellent health ally.

A garden arbor can add a dramatic effect to the landscape when used correctly. An arbor is supposed to entice people to pass through it and give the illusion of something magical on the other side. All too often garden arbors are simply placed as a stand-alone structure in the middle of the yard.

Your new rented garden plot could be the ideal place to grow vegetables such as the tomato. As one of the most nutritious vegetables on this planet, the tomato is an easy vegetable to grow and can be grown across America. This article contains some information on how to grow them and what kind of yard you need.

Sustainable Gardening

Posted in Gardening on May 11, 2017

Sustainable Gardening

Over the last 10 years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of people practicing sustainable gardening. You may be asking yourself ‘what is sustainable gardening? And what are the benefits?’ Well, to put it simply, sustainable gardening is when you put your garden to work for you.