
Exercising is definitely good for the body and mind, but did you know it’s also good for the environment. Your regular cycling, running or swimming sessions can have a lasting effect on the world that surrounds us. Here’s how your healthy habits can help protect the environment.

We all know just how bad plastic is for the environment. It takes hundreds of years to disappear and our recycling efforts are still not good enough. Plus, there’s just something cheap and impersonal about that colorful plastic. On the other hand, wooden toys are visually and emotionally appealing and they last almost forever! Let’s see the benefits of wooden non-toxic organic toys.

49% of America homeowners garden at least once throughout the year. Two of the biggest barriers to gardening are seasonal changes and a lack of space, as more people are living in apartments with no yard at all. Fortunately, installing a small greenhouse helps you to garden all year round and mini greenhouses are perfect for balconies, terraces, and the smallest of yards. You can also get portable greenhouses that are ideal for if you’re using someone else’s land to garden on, such as at an allotment or in a community project.

We spend one-third of our daily lives in bed without knowing that what we sleep on affects us. Therefore, saying that your mattress is a lifelong investment in your health and comfort isn't an understatement. Many people, on hearing the word 'organic' think of food grown without using harmful pesticides. Not only food can be organic, a mattress can be organic too. The same way you are inspired to consume healthy foods should apply to choosing a mattress.

Do you live in the city but wish you had just a little plot of land to have a garden on? Have you been looking for land to buy near you? Have you seen the prices?! If you have, then you’ll quickly realize that land isn’t cheap, especially in highly populated areas. So how do you satisfy your green thumb itch when it isn’t economically feasible to own land? That is just rent your garden.

Before you can start a building project, it is important to know where you are going to live during the self-build or major renovation. One of the most cost-effective options is to live on-site in a mobile home. So, you have a plot you want to self-build or there is a major renovation. You might have sold your existing property so you can get enough funds for your project and you are waiting for the work to start. Unless you plan on moving in with your in-laws, which can end up testing family bonds, or you don’t have enough money to rent locally, then the best option for accommodation is purchasing a mobile home (the most common option is a static mobile home). With this, you are going to live at the site.

Green pest control can be a challenging prospect. Trying to keep pests at bay whilst still remaining green is difficult. But whilst it can be a struggle, the benefits of having green pest control outweigh the difficulties. To get rid of many hardy pests in areas like London, eco-friendly pest control isn’t often the go to option. Chemicals and poisons are easier to use, and take half the work to apply. But whilst you apply these substances, you can kill off other species and destroy the environment too.

Why it’s important to apply landscape fabric. The main types of weed barrier. The main features of the landscape fabric you should pay attention to.

10 Tips for Container Farming

Posted in Farming on Nov 14, 2019

10 Tips for Container Farming

Container farming or container gardening is an increasingly popular concept. It has become popular with urban farming as it provides farming space in a city environment. To make it even better, these containers can protect plants from environmental effects and pollution. When using cargo containers, you are able to reduce costs while getting a higher yield. But, like with any other new concept, there are lots of things you need to know about container farming.

Gardening may seem as an intimidating activity to take on. People would say that you need to have a “green thumb” to be able to properly create and maintain a garden but it’s actually just all about understanding the kind of plants to grow and enjoying the planting process. There are many beautiful low maintenance plants available in your local nurseries and to get you started, here are the top 6 easy to grow flowering plants.