
Plants work by releasing more oxygen into the air, as well as take out toxic compounds and gases from the environment. This translates to richer and fresher air in the house. Introducing plants to your bedroom could be the solution you have been looking to get good quality sleep. Some of the best plants for this purpose are outlined below.

Gypsum might be used for construction, but since it’s a great source of calcium you can also use it as a fertilizer if you want to. The great benefit here is that you can easily protect plants from nutrient excess or deficiency. Basically, you can prevent situations when your plants have heavy metal contamination or a very high/low pH. If you combine it with organic matter, gypsum has the potential to boost the soil structure naturally and that will help a lot.

If you have ever spent time in a garden, you already know how beautiful they are to look at. What you might not be aware of, however, is that the simple act of gardening could help improve your health.

When spring rolls around, the gardening season gets underway. If you do everything right in the spring, your yard and garden will look beautiful all summer long. Check out these suggestions from some of our leading experts to create a garden that you can be proud of this year.

Greenhouses are an excellent way to extend the growing season no matter where you live. They are also great for providing a steady climate for your plants.

Why should you grow with LED lights in your indoor garden? In case you haven’t considered using LED grow lights before, here are eight good reasons you should trade out your old-fashioned grow lights for new LED lights.

The Packer 2017 Fresh Trends found that Americans are eating more fruit now compared to five years ago. The specific demand for imported tropical fruit, however, accounts for $13.8 billion. Since tropical fruit such as pineapples, mangoes and guavas are on the favorites list of most Americans, growing them locally can be a great alternative so you can enjoy them straight from your garden. While tropical fruits do require a little more planning and care, here is how you can enjoy them locally—regardless of the climate in your area.

If you consider yourself the serious gardener, chances are you’re going to want to find ways to manage your garden much more effectively and efficiently. After all, just having your garden “there” doesn’t guarantee good growth, and this can be a matter of making or breaking it if you make produce with your plants. If you’ve heard of underground irrigation and you want to apply it to your garden, then this article is for you. Here are some of the best plumbing tips to help with underground irrigation for gardens, especially if you want to take your garden to the next level.

Do you want to enjoy the freshness, beauty and wonderful smell of flowers, plants, veggies, fruits or herbs in your home all year around? Setting up and taking care of an indoor garden is not as complicated as it sounds but it does require persistence and following certain basic rules, if you want your home plants to grow healthy and well. Here are the basics for setting up and maintaining your own indoor garden:

If you're just getting started on your green thumb, you may not know how easy it can be to maintain a good lawn or garden. Understanding the balance necessary is vital for fertilizing, watering, or otherwise caring for your plants. Whether you intend to start your own vegetable garden or want a lawn the neighbors will be jealous of, these tips should help you out.