
Top 5 Gardening Health Benefits

Posted in Gardening on Jan 09, 2017

Top 5 Gardening Health Benefits

Spending time in a garden can be a rich and rewarding experience that is beneficial for your body and calming for your brain. Young kids, teenagers, active grown-ups, individuals with illnesses or handicaps, and elderly folks can all gain health benefits from gardening. It’s maybe one of the most well-known pastimes and it gives individuals the chance to get outside - since most of us tend to live in a world that is centered around inside. Below are 5 gardening health benefits that you stand to gain once you embrace gardening.

Your garden can be a fantastic haven in winter and the summer too, however many of us don’t look after them. So, here are some tips to get your outdoor area back to top notch condition.

5 Instagram Tips For Gardeners

Posted in Gardening on Dec 07, 2016

5 Instagram Tips For Gardeners

Instagram is the perfect social media app for visual people. Over the last few years, this app’s popularity has increased. Instagram boasts over 100 million worldwide users. This is a simple app that intentionally has a lack of advertising. This makes it appealing to many users.

Most of us don't live on 40000 hectares of land. We don't drive tractors, and we're not planting fields. Most of us have a small, average sized yard with perhaps enough room for a small garden, some outdoor seating and a play area for the kids. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the benefits of home-grown produce. There are many things you can do on a small plot of land to maximize its use, enjoyment and productivity. Here are three low-maintenance tips to help you get the most our of your small yard.

Best Gardening Blogs

Posted in Gardening on Oct 29, 2016

Best Gardening Blogs

If you love gardening as much as we do, chances are you also enjoy reading about new methods for growing the healthiest, most delicious fruits, veggies, and herbs around. Maybe you’re curious about different strategies for testing and maintaining your soil? Or perhaps you’re looking for fun ideas to decorate your backyard garden? Either way, we’re excited to share with you our list of best gardening blogs!

The ability to have a lawn happens to be one of the best privileges of owning a home. When you are able to care for it properly, you will have a chance at grass that looks amazing, along with a great flower garden. If you are hoping to increase your exterior beauty, all you need to do is look into the installation of a water fountain.

So, you love the idea of growing your own vegetables, but you don’t know where to start, right? Maybe you’re intrigued by the satisfaction of eating food you’ve grown, or creating meals for your family that are nutritious, or maybe even saving money on your grocery bill. Whatever the reason is, we’re here to help!

Some people have land in their backyard, but others live in townhouses and apartments where land to grow a garden may be scarce. Even those folks with backyards may have soil that’s not ideal for a garden or there may be too many trees and not enough sunshine. This is where neighborhood gardens can be a great choice.

Many people give up on gardening when they move into a patio or an apartment, because they think they can’t have a good garden in such a limited space. Don’t be one of them! If you’re passionate about gardening, don’t let a simple thing like limited space stop you. You can have a wonderful garden no matter where you live. Here are 10 creative patio gardening ideas for those who’re looking to start a garden in a limited space.

What is Biodynamic Gardening?

Posted in Gardening on Aug 18, 2016

What is Biodynamic Gardening?

Biodynamic gardening is a specific approach to gardening that focuses on holistic, ethical, and ecological factors. It’s often confused with organic gardening. As you can probably guess, biodynamic gardening uses composts and manures that don’t have any chemicals.