
Does protecting the environment mean taking life-changing steps, or will small changes do? The term "ecological footprint" refers to a measurement of human demand on nature that compares human consumption of natural resources to the earth's capacity to replenish them. How can we be more eco-friendly? What do we need to do to tread as lightly as possible to reduce our impact on the environment? Read on to find out.

Gardening is a pastime that has multiple benefits for seniors - which is why it tends to be one of the most popular hobbies! There’s the general sense of satisfaction you get from watching your plants grow, but also the fact that gardening is an excellent form of exercise. It can build your confidence and even help provide a boost to your immune system as you interact with the healthy bacteria that are naturally found in soil. As beneficial as gardening is, it does present a few specific hazards that you will need to avoid. Before you dive into one of these gardening projects for seniors, take some time to brush up on general safety recommendations. Follow these gardening safety tips for seniors, and you can benefit from this relaxing pastime and reduce your risk of injury and illness at the same time.

Design Ideas for a Small Garden

Posted in Gardening on Jun 24, 2021

Design Ideas for a Small Garden

When you have a small garden, it is hard to think of it as a valuable space at all. It is more than likely just an add on at the back and something that you mostly ignore. However, your small garden can still become an extra room within your home that can be enjoyed on summer evenings with the right design. Designing a small garden space starts with some fundamental pillars, including choosing landscaping, furniture, patterns and colours, light, privacy, and plants. Let us go through these pillars and offer some of the best ideas for making the most of the small garden.

There is something incredibly satisfying about cultivating your own garden. Whether you’re running a small-scale farm or simply growing a few plants in your backyard, the act of growing your own fruits and vegetables can make you feel accomplished and at one with nature… That is until pests come into your garden and steal the harvest you’ve been growing. If you want to keep wild deer, your horses, household pets, and other animals out of your garden, you’ll need to build a fence around the plants to protect them. Luckily, building a garden fence is a fairly easy DIY project — and we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need right here.

If you look outside to your garden space, are you starting to see it reclaimed by the wilderness? Gardens not regularly cared for can eventually end up looking akin to a jungle! In order to ensure that your garden space is an ideal representation of your home or business, it is important to revitalize forgotten spots and breathe new life into your plants. Whether your problem lies in some minor areas or your garden needs a complete overhaul, here are some easy tips to help you grasp the process!

Both gardening and woodworking are very gratifying hobbies, but who knew they worked so well hand in hand? Even though the vast majority of conventional tools aren’t as effective as gardening-specific ones, there are more than a few ways you can bring these two worlds together. Not a lot of people would instinctively try to incorporate their wood-carving chops into their typical gardening routine, and today we’ll talk about the best ways to utilize woodworking tools in a gardening setting - so let’s start from the top.

Gardening with PVC Piping

Posted in Gardening on May 05, 2021

Gardening with PVC Piping

Gardening is a great way to express yourself and connect with the Earth. There’s nothing quite like getting dirt under your nails and laboring with love to grow your own plants and food. If you like making things with your hands, you’ll enjoy these four PVC pipe garden projects. Not only will they help your garden burst with life, but they will also give you another opportunity to create something to be proud of.

Organic food is becoming more and more popular at an accelerating rate. Despite the higher prices associated with organic food, consumers are starting to change the way they look at organic food. For many health focused people, organic foods have changed from an alternative to a necessity replacing foods that are GMO or grown with chemicals. Organic food is supposed healthier and better for the environment. But is this really true or is it just deceptive marketing? Let's dive into the science behind organic food and see for ourselves.

Tips For Eco-Friendly Gardening

Posted in Gardening on Apr 05, 2021

Tips For Eco-Friendly Gardening

Just as many businesses are making the switch to sustainable resourcing and methodologies, so too are people making eco-friendly updates for their homes. Whether it’s using more environmentally friendly products or incorporating organic foods into their diets, it’s important to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. However, one area that is often overlooked in the race to sustainability is the garden.

Indeed, every corner of the house has its importance. Either it is your lounge area, study room, or bedroom, all these are the places where people relax and spend quality time with their loved ones. And people can also share so many unforgettable moments with their family. However, having a time-out from a busy routine also calls for a mini celebration. But for this purpose, every corner of the home must be well organized and appropriately decorated. Especially in the summers, having a small garden party is always the best idea so far. On the other hand, if you are willing to throw a BBQ party with some groovy dance and music, then you have the place for this in your garden.