
Being trapped inside for quarantine and lockdown periods has sparked a new love for nature and the great outdoors in many people. Those who live in urban settings are especially drawn to the art of indoor gardening. Unfortunately, space is often an issue when living in an apartment or condo. However, with a little creativity and forethought, you can create a mint tin garden that suits any small space. Here's how.

Beauty on many occasions can be dangerous, and what more beautiful for a gardener than a beautiful plant in our garden. And coincidentally behind the beauty of many plants there are poisonous substances that can even cause death. The most dangerous thing about this is that you may already have one of the 5 poisonous plants that we will list in this post and you do not know its danger. That is why I invite you to stay until the end of the article, so that you can check inside your garden if you grow any of these plants. If so, I ask you not to go crazy and pluck the plant from the ground, just take proper care so that you or anyone who passes by does not get intoxicated. Let's go to the list !!

If you’re a certified green-thumb, then you know how much you love your plants and everything about them. You know precisely how to take care of them every day - what time they should get water, how often they should get sunlight or even where you should best place them at home. As such, you know just how stressful and confusing things could get when you know you have to make a house move and bring all your plants with you. After all, it’s a totally different thing when you have to pack your beloved plants instead of just packing everything else you own. And with that in mind, the packing process itself seems arduous and too stressful that you might just lose interest in the house move entirely.

Did you know? You have more options to beautify your residence in Baton Rouge, LA, than you can imagine. Interior design, furniture, electronics, and everything else you can add to your house are on the table. But amongst all these choices, there's only one that serves several other purposes besides improving the look of your home - Plants. Adding the touch of nature to make any house look elegant is a common practice in these times. Most people prefer it because plants do a lot more than make a place livelier. They keep the aroma fresh and closed spaces well-oxygenated for the residents. There's a wide variety to pick from, so you are not limited to colors while making a choice. Plus, plants can be reliable companions to share an environment anywhere around the house. But above all else, gardening can be a great hobby when you need a distraction from work and stress.

Raising plants is no different from raising your children. They require a considerable amount of knowledge and dedication to their growth and wellbeing. As a gardener, you are responsible for monitoring all the aspects that affect your plants’ health. From the soil and water levels to the sunlight and shade they are getting, gardening requires attention to the minor details. Similarly, it would be best to consider different options for adopting sustainable modes into your gardening. Hence, the following are some tips to keep your garden in top shape.

Do you have a wildlife friendly garden but you’re not sure what to do with it now the winter is nearly here? It’s easy to assume that plants and flowers have no place in winter, and before long our gardens can often become bare and neglected. But there are many plants that do well in winter, they can add a splash of colour in the darkest months and at the same time support the local wildlife. While we remain cozy in our heated homes, birds and other wildlife have no choice but to embrace the elements. To help them get through the winter months birds need to eat a lot of rich, high fat food; if plants are dying up then that makes it a lot more difficult. The same can be said for bees, who have been attributed to such importance globally that many people have taken interest in supporting them in recent years. You can still do that in the winter months! Nectar and pollen tends to be in short supply during this time, but they are still essential for many insects.

A garden provides a plethora of advantages. From providing us with the freshest produce on the table every night to give your house a distinct look, gardening is a fantastic hobby to pick up. Furthermore, gardening can easily teach some incredible skills and make a person very aware of their surroundings. Whenever we think of gardens, we generally think of luscious, massive meadows and rows with all the produce in the world. But, you can't build a castle if you never take the labored steps. Many people try to shy away from gardening, thinking it to be too complicated. However, with a few small steps, you can make your garden from scratch! In this article, we're going to discuss some easy but useful tips to make your first garden memorable. Let's begin!

Bees are one of the most organized creatures on Earth. The most popular and best-researched type of bee is the domesticated honey bee. This species is bred in apiaries, mainly for the production of honey. Bees play an important role in the ecosystem. They pollinate plants - including plants that are cultivated for commercial use. The role of bees is huge! However, in recent years, we have observed an apparent decrease in the number of these pollinating insects. According to scientists, this phenomenon has several causes, but the main ones are environmental degradation and misuse of pesticides by farmers. According to UN research, bees and other pollinating insects are essential for pollinating about 75% of the leading food crops. Their best estimates show that there are about 20,000 species of pollinators, of which only about 10,000 have been identified. So we may be losing species we don’t even know about. If these insects become extinct, food prices will automatically rise, food will become scarce. Here, you will find tips for saving the bees:

Aquaponics is a combination of indoor hydroponic systems (soil-less cultivation of plants) and aquaculture (for raising fish). It is a clean and green way to cultivate plants in a recirculating system efficiently. In an aquaponic system, you can cultivate almost any plant from root crops to green leafy vegetables. Moreover, you can grow herbs, ornamentals like palms and ferns, and flower

More and more people are turning to an increasingly sustainable lifestyle. From cycling to work to conserving water and energy at home, there are many ways how we can help the planet. One of those ways is to grow our own food. If you choose to do this, you will be reducing waste and carbon emissions as well as assuring that you are eating food that is free of harmful chemicals. So, how do you go about starting your very own garden? Keep on reading.