
If you're planning to renovate your home, there are a number of ways to do so sustainably. By making eco-friendly choices, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy costs in the long run. Here are some tips on how to make your home renovation as green as can be:

Learn all about the 7 environmental benefits of solar energy so you can decide whether you want to try and add solar energy panels to your own home!

Authentic rattan is obviously the best of all, so let’s discuss the top five benefits of having natural rattan furniture in your home.

Does protecting the environment mean taking life-changing steps, or will small changes do? The term "ecological footprint" refers to a measurement of human demand on nature that compares human consumption of natural resources to the earth's capacity to replenish them. How can we be more eco-friendly? What do we need to do to tread as lightly as possible to reduce our impact on the environment? Read on to find out.

Let’s face it. Australia, with its vast landmass and long hours of sunshine promises the greatest solar energy potential for personal and public use. Seven Undeniable Reasons support solar power as the next big step in conserving energy.

Bees are one of the most organized creatures on Earth. The most popular and best-researched type of bee is the domesticated honey bee. This species is bred in apiaries, mainly for the production of honey. Bees play an important role in the ecosystem. They pollinate plants - including plants that are cultivated for commercial use. The role of bees is huge! However, in recent years, we have observed an apparent decrease in the number of these pollinating insects. According to scientists, this phenomenon has several causes, but the main ones are environmental degradation and misuse of pesticides by farmers. According to UN research, bees and other pollinating insects are essential for pollinating about 75% of the leading food crops. Their best estimates show that there are about 20,000 species of pollinators, of which only about 10,000 have been identified. So we may be losing species we don’t even know about. If these insects become extinct, food prices will automatically rise, food will become scarce. Here, you will find tips for saving the bees:

Exercising is definitely good for the body and mind, but did you know it’s also good for the environment. Your regular cycling, running or swimming sessions can have a lasting effect on the world that surrounds us. Here’s how your healthy habits can help protect the environment.

We all know just how bad plastic is for the environment. It takes hundreds of years to disappear and our recycling efforts are still not good enough. Plus, there’s just something cheap and impersonal about that colorful plastic. On the other hand, wooden toys are visually and emotionally appealing and they last almost forever! Let’s see the benefits of wooden non-toxic organic toys.

We spend one-third of our daily lives in bed without knowing that what we sleep on affects us. Therefore, saying that your mattress is a lifelong investment in your health and comfort isn't an understatement. Many people, on hearing the word 'organic' think of food grown without using harmful pesticides. Not only food can be organic, a mattress can be organic too. The same way you are inspired to consume healthy foods should apply to choosing a mattress.

Before planting a tree, there are a few factors one must consider. Examples of these factors include soil quality, the place you want to plant the tree, the size of the plantation, the size of the pit, the type of tree to plant, weather conditions, and the overall climate of the area. However, when it comes to planting a tree in a city, the factors to consider an increase, and in some cities, certain regulations must apply. Let us check these factors into details.