Why You Should Plant More Trees

When you've been mapping out your gardening projects, have you ever considered planting more trees in your backyard or on your property? We all know that trees work to create the air that we breathe, filtering out nasty pollution and cool. But trees play a huge role in all of our lives, and if you can upgrade your garden in any way, planting trees can be one of the best things that you do.

Whether you are an individual on your own or you are living in a community, it's easier than ever to get together with your neighbors and plant trees while all of you can enjoy the benefits. As long as you have a landscaping company that is using liquid tree fertilizer and know what they're doing when it comes to planting the right trees for the climate, you should be good to go. The best part is in the fact that you can plant fruit trees, especially around your neighborhood, so that everybody can benefit from the free fruit that it bears. Let's take a look at why you should plant more trees.

  1. They’ll improve your physical health. Trees soak up CO2 in the air naturally, which helps to promote healthy air that is clean for all of us to breathe in. Trees are also able to store CO2, decreasing the amount in the atmosphere and using it in the process of photosynthesis to produce sugar and release oxygen. With more trees around in your garden and in your community, you'll be able to filter out even more harmful substances like dust in the air and ozone pollutants.
  2. They'll improve your mental health. They're all studies to show that living beside trees can improve your mental health. It's not just an aesthetic boost. People who spend more time in nature and green tree filled spaces will display a lower likelihood of developing depression. If you can fill your garden and your street with new trees, you're going to be able to walk out your front door every day with a smile.
  3. Trees improve the value of your property. There's a reason that landscaping plays a big part in improving the value of your property. But planting trees can do the same thing. They improve your home valuation by helping to beautify the external area of your property and will also reduce your heating bills. This is a must if you're looking to improve your bottom line when it comes to auction day. Plant the trees that change with the seasons and you'll create a living work of art.
  4. They're great for energy conservation. As trees are nature's air conditioner, they will be able to generate cooler and more moist air. When you have decent shade in your street with trees, you'll be able to lower the temperature and feel like life is a little less humid, especially during the summer.

With the right trees in your backyard and throughout your neighborhood, you'll be able to bring your area to life. 

Posted in Sustainability on Jul 17, 2024