Small Garden Solutions: What You Need To Know About Hot Tubs

Hot tubs can be a lovely addition to the garden and also can be beneficial to health and lifestyle. Here is what you need to know before purchasing one.

Use What You Have

Take a careful look at your landscaping. Is there a deck or a patio on the property? If so, that might make a good place for your hot tub. Keep in mind that the ground does need to be level. Your hot tub must also have a good foundation.

If your backyard inclines slightly, don't worry. A terraced garden is your best bet, and you can put the hot tub in the middle. Simply create a flat space and put in a retaining wall.

Keep Boundaries Loose

If you allow bushes to grow out of control or install tall fences, you make a small space feel even smaller. Instead, opt for trees or potted plants to create a boundary that is a bit looser. If you really must have the fence, look into a shorter barrier so that you can see around you. If your neighbors have plants or flowers, use colors that are like theirs so that the spaces seem to flow right into one another. If there is an existing fence, grow vines around it so that it looks more natural.


There is a lot of energy expended in keeping a hot tub warm and you don’t want to let the heat out when it gets in there. Hot tub covers can help keep the heat in and prevent such problems and heat loss.

Use Plants To Spruce Up The Space

Even if you don't have much room, you can still grow flowers. Hanging boxes are a great idea, as are cascading blooms. If you want a bit of color to liven things up, opt for calibrachoa or bidens. If you want something to survive year round, look into a plant like bergenia.

Create A Secluded Space

Are you interested in having a relaxing space that is all your own? Try putting up some fabric or adding tall potted plants to the space. You can also achieve this goal by utilizing a folding screen as well. All of these options will give you the privacy you crave.

You don't have to have a huge outdoor space to enjoy your garden and put in a hot tub. To find out more, get in touch with us and find out how we can help you with your hot tub.

Posted in Homeowners on Dec 19, 2017