Make Your Garden a Safe Place By Dog-Proofing It

Gardens are great places for dogs, as they stimulate them and enable them to play out in the great outdoors. However, dogs can cause a lot of damage to gardens from urinating over your vegetable patches to digging unsightly holes in your lawn. In turn, gardens can be dangerous for dogs, with various hazards such as sharp objects, harmful chemicals and poisonous plants that can be harmful to dogs.

There are many things you can do, however, to ensure that your garden is as dog-friendly as it possibly can be. In the following article, we outline some of our best tips for successfully dog-proofing your garden.

Make It A Stimulating Place

Depending on the size of garden you have, you could create a maze of different pathways and areas specifically designed for playing as cockapoos love to dig, just as any most breeds do, it might be a good idea to set aside a place where they are free to do this. By doing so, you will give them fewer excuses to do it in other parts of your garden you don't want to be dug up.

Avoid Using Poisonous Plants

Various plants that are very popular, can actually be very poisonous to dogs including yew, wisteria, tomato, oak, hydrangea, foxglove, delphinium, Daphne, daffodil, buttercup, aconite and chrysanthemum. If possible, avoid planting these in your garden or the areas of your garden your dog will be frequenting. You should take your dog to the vet immediately if you observe any symptoms that concern you or you are worried your pet may have eaten part of a dangerous plant.

Decorate Your Garden With Dog-Friendly Plants

It is still possible to have a beautiful garden you can be proud of and have a dog at the same time. There is a huge variety of stunning plants that are not harmful to dogs, including calendula, impatiens, cornflower(Centaurea), Elaeagnus, sunflowers, rose, lavender, honeysuckle, camellias, Michaelmas daisies and snapdragons.  

Secure Your Garden

Secure the borders of your gardens, at the base as many dogs, will find ways to escape through fence holes or dig under fences. Don't cut corners and opt for a shorter fence than necessary, as many dogs can jump extremely high - it is better to be safe than sorry and if you have a medium sized dog you should definitely invest in a 6ft high fence.

Keep Your Garden Clean And Tidy

An untidy and unclean garden cannot only stress out a dog but could put your animal at risk of injury. Therefore, make sure that you clear away all garden equipment, especially old and rusty tools and other accessories made from metal. If your dog gets a nasty cut from a rusted piece of metal it could become infected and seriously impede your pet's quality of life and overall well-being.  

Your garden may be your pride and joy, but your dog is your best friend. By following our simple tips, you will be able to maintain your garden while providing a safe and secure place for your dog to exercise its mind and body.  

Posted in Gardening on Jan 04, 2018