How You Can Start Protecting Your Yard from the Wrath of Bad Weather

Depending on where you live in the world, you might have to face some bad weather every season, such as ice storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes, wind storms, you name it. But with that said, something else you need to think about when it comes to bad weather isn’t only your home, but your hard itself. Just like the outside of your home, even the plants in your yard must deal with all the nasty effects of bad weather. 

Plus, oftentimes, depending on how bad the weather is, such as a severe thunderstorm, the plants tend too snap, break, or worse, lighting hits them. While you can’t prevent everything from happening to your yard, like lightening hitting it, there are still some preventive measures you can take, and most of these are on a pretty nice budget too. So, don’t let Mother Nature’s wrath ruin the beautiful yard you created; here’s exactly what you can do to protect it!

Work with Weather Resistant Plants

The first line of defense against bad weather is selecting plants that can withstand the challenges of your local climate. While yes, ideally, these should all be native plants to your area since it’s better for the ecosystem, it’s still vital to consider those that can handle the bad weather that regularly (or even rarely) happens within your area.  So, it’s best to just go ahead and consult with local nurseries or gardening experts to identify resilient plant varieties that thrive in your region. Plus, drought-resistant plants, wind-tolerant trees, and storm-resistant shrubs can fortify your yard against the unpredictable forces of nature.

You Need to Have Regular Pruning

One mistake that a lot of homeowners make is thinking that pruning their shrubs and trees is primarily for aesthetics. While yes, tree pruning and doing it for shrubs has some pretty nice results, aesthetically speaking, one of the biggest reasons you want to do this is so your family, your yard, and, of course, your home (and belongings) stay safe. 

In general, regular maintenance is key to a resilient yard. You really need to keep trees and shrubs well-trimmed to reduce the risk of branches breaking during storms (which on their own can cause a lot of damage). So, be sure to prune dead or weak limbs to prevent them from becoming projectiles in high winds. At the end of the day, this also promotes the overall health and stability of your greenery.

Secure Your Outdoor Furniture and Decor

Whether you have lawn ornament furniture, you name it; these will need to be secured in some form or fashion. So, why’s that? Well, unsecured outdoor furniture and decor can quickly turn into projectiles during storms, causing damage to your property and posing a safety hazard. 

Even heavy furniture can be blown in the air, and one of the only things that’s guaranteed to be safe would most likely be concrete items such as heavy statues and concrete fountains like bird baths. So, when bad weather is on the horizon, bring lightweight items indoors or secure them with heavy-duty straps or covers. Also, it’s a good idea to go ahead and invest in weather-resistant furniture and fixtures that can withstand the elements year-round.

Consider Installing Wind Breakers

Not to be confused with the windbreaker jacket, to a degree, having some wind breakers on your lawn could help when bad weather hits, suchs as severe thunderstorms. These most likely won’t work too well for tornadoes or hurricanes, but honestly, these have such high powered winds that not even strong infrastructure can with stand them, so just keep in mind that you need to be realistic, and you really can’t prevent everything. 

So, with that said, you’re going to want to strategically plant windbreaks, such as sturdy shrubs or trees since these can help shield your yard from strong winds. Plus, these natural barriers can redirect the wind, reducing its force and protecting your plants. In general, you need to be mindful of the prevailing wind direction in your area when planning the placement of windbreaks.

There Needs to be Proper Drainage 

As you already know, excessive rainfall can lead to flooding and soil erosion, which will usually cause lasting damage to your yard and the foundation of your home, too. So, you’ll need to ensure your yard has proper drainage by grading the land away from structures and installing gutters and downspouts to redirect water. You might even want to go ahead and consider adding permeable surfaces like gravel or permeable pavers to allow rainwater to soak into the ground. 

When it comes to heavy rainfall, especially if it’s days on end, it truly might not be able to 100% prevent flooding in your yard, so you will need to have a realistic outlook on this, too. You can’t control what nature throws at you; all you can really do is prevent issues that aren’t on the extreme side, such as flash floods.

Are Your Outdoor Strucutres Resilient? 

Are your outdoor structures, such as your pergola, pavilion, gazebo, or even your shed, strong enough to stay in tact? If you have structures in your yard, such as gazebos, pergolas, or fences, You absolutely need to ensure that they are built to withstand your weather conditions- the common ones, not conditions like tornados. Plus, regular inspections for wear and tear can catch potential issues before they escalate during bad weather.

While you can't control the weather, you can certainly prepare your yard to weather the storm. It’s so important to understand that extreme weather conditions can still have like freezing temperatures, longer term weather conditions like hurricanes and droughts, and even more temporary ones like tornadoes can still massiovely affect your yard. You can’t control extreme conditions, but even doing a little bit in your yard to prepare for conditions like snow and thunderstorms can still play a massive effect on your plants and the overall aesthetic and protection of your home. Stay vigilant, stay prepared, and let your yard stand as a testament to nature's beauty and your commitment to its protection.


Posted in Homeowners, Gardening on Dec 04, 2023