Growing a Green Thumb: Sustainable Gardening 101

Sustainable gardening isn't too different from standard methods. So what's the difference? When you garden in a suitable way, much more consideration is given to the environmental impact. After all, gardening directly affects your surroundings. There is also an aim to reduce resource usage. This includes using rainwater instead of mains, natural pots, and making organic compost. From reducing water usage to organic growing, here are some tips.

Consult with Expert Designers

How a garden is designed is a fundamental part of gardening. The form, access, and sustainability features can be incorporated into your wider process with a solid design. Of course, we aren't all designers. But the good news is that you can always consult with trusted services with expertise in plant-driven design, such as Eden's Garden Design. What you plant and where can make a massive difference to the overall impact you have on the environment.

Sustainable Gardening with Water

Plants rely on photosynthesis to create their self-sustaining food. They need two things to do this; sunlight and water. Unless you are very special, you can't control the sun! However, water control is an essential factor in sustainable gardening. Around 30% of water is wasted each year, amounting to 2.1 trillion gallons! So what can you do when the plants need water? Well, you can use rain, of course. Rain butts help save water. And use cans instead of hosepipes.

Just Say No to Chemicals

Traditional gardening relies on harmful pest control methods. This includes using weed killers and other chemicals to stave off rats, mice, and frogs! However, these chemicals are extremely hazardous to animal health and the surrounding environment. They can also be passed on to you and your family if you consume home-grown plants. It is harder to garden without pest control. You can offer alternatives to local pests, such as a safe shelter and a supply of food.

Go Native with Your Plants

Over millions, perhaps billions of years, plants have co-evolved with the local wildlife. For many, this means they naturally repel pests and keep themselves safe. Because of this, you can use native plants in your garden to help keep pests away. For instance, you can plant some native plants around your crops to ensure local pests don't go anywhere near them. This further helps you to reduce reliance on harmful gardening methods such as using chemicals and killers!

Sustainable Gardening Common Questions

When beginning sustainable gardening, you are bound to have a few questions. We can't cover them all here. But there are some common questions that are often asked on the web. It would take a book to cover them all, but here are three of the most frequently asked ones.

What plants are good for a sustainable garden?

This depends on the soil and the garden. However, some of the easiest ways to benefit the surrounding soil include lupins, beans, and peas. Natives like dandelions will also help.

What is permaculture gardening?

This is a method of developing self-sustaining long-term growth. In a nutshell, you create mini eco-friendly systems that are found in nature and apply the concepts to your very own garden.

What are the best vegetables for first-time gardeners?

Growing your own vegetables isn't as hard as you might think. Vegetables such as beets, lettuce and kale grow quickly and easily. All you must do is maintain healthy and organic soil.

Of course, there is so much more to gardening than the above. As a beginner, start small and learn the basics, such as soil and composting. The rest will come with practice and care.

How About Recyclable Pots?

Plastic has its uses; no one can argue that. It is also used extensively in gardening. However, the plastic pots we use break easily and need to be thrown out. So, what's the problem? Well, plastic pots aren't recyclable. This means they stay in landfills for decades and contribute to environmental hazards. But there is good news. There are biodegradable pots you can buy. These pots are excellent for starting new plants and transplanting, and they will decay away.

Don't Dig Too Much!

Doesn't gardening require me to dig? Well, yes! However, we can over-dig and harm the natural life found in our gardens. A sustainable garden holds off on digging too much. This helps the soil stay intact and ensures any tiny creatures living within remain undisturbed. To enrich the soil, we instead scatter organic materials over the top. This includes mulch and compost. You can use cardboard to line any beds and scatter topsoil and compost over the top for even growth.

Sustainable Gardening with Organic Plants

Organic products are popular these days and range from face creams to shampoo! Around 30% of consumers buy organic today. And there is a good reason. Organic products have no harmful chemicals. This is vital when it comes to gardening sustainability. But before you can plant organic plants in your garden you must make some considerations. Check the sunlight, soil and moisture levels. Companion planting also helps with better growth in a sustainable garden.

Get Down and Dirty with Compost

Compost plays a vital role in gardening. A type of soil contains tons of nutrients plants need, such as nitrogen. You can buy all the compost you need. However, organic compost is more expensive, and the costs can increase. You also don't have much control over what is in it. Fortunately, you can make your own. Green waste helps build up a compost heap ready to use for your plants. This includes vegetable waste, grass cuttings, and dead flowers for fertilizer.


Consulting with experts will help with sustainable gardening at home. Certain services can help design a garden around the needs of the plants. Water conservation is also a crucial part of using sustainable methods, as is ditching plastic in favor of biodegradable pots. It also helps to use mulch and compost rather than digging too much in the garden. Doing these will help keep the soil rich and make sure any creatures living in the soil remain undisturbed and alive!

Posted in Gardening on Apr 30, 2024