Early Spring Weed Control Tips

It's that time of year again; the snow has melted, the temperatures are rising, and the first signs of spring have arrived. While the return of sunshine and warmer weather is cause for celebration, it's also a crucial time to tend to your lawn before the weeds take over. 

Taking control of the weeds early on is vital to maintaining a healthy, thick, and disease-free lawn throughout the growing season. In this article, we'll explore some top tips for early spring weed control that will help keep your lawn in top shape.

Tip #1: Be vigilant

According to this professional lawn care company in Westlake, TX, “Weeds can easily take over your lawn, competing with your grass for vital nutrients, water, and sunlight.”

Spring is the prime time for weed germination, so be sure to keep an eye out for any signs of unwanted growth. Keep an eye out for the emergence of broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, clover, and chickweed as they tend to take root early on in the season.

 As soon as you notice any growth, it's best to take action quickly before they fully establish.

Tip #2: Perform a Soil Test

Performing a soil test in early spring is crucial for maintaining optimal lawn health. Soil tests provide valuable insights into the pH level, nutrient content, and overall soil composition of your lawn. 

By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about what amendments or fertilizers your lawn may need. This proactive approach allows you to address any deficiencies or imbalances in the soil, promoting healthy root development, lush growth, and overall resilience in your grass. 

Additionally, conducting a soil test early in the spring season gives you ample time to adjust and prepare the soil before the active growing period begins.

Tip #3: Dethatch Lawn

Dethatching your lawn in early spring is a crucial task that should not be overlooked. Thatch is a layer of dead grass, roots, and other debris that accumulates between the soil and the healthy grass blades. 

While some thatch is normal and beneficial, an excessive buildup can cause a range of problems. Thatch prevents air, water, and nutrients from reaching the grassroots, potentially leading to a weakened and suffocated lawn. 

By dethatching in early spring, you remove this excessive layer, allowing the grass to breathe freely and promoting healthy growth. Dethatching also improves the overall appearance of your lawn, giving it a fresh and revitalized look. 

Furthermore, dethatching helps to reduce the risk of diseases and pests, as the removal of thatch creates a less favorable environment for them to thrive. By prioritizing dethatching in early spring, you set the groundwork for a healthier, greener, and more resilient lawn in the months to come.

Tip #4: Fertilize strategically

An essential component of early spring weed control is providing proper nutrition to the grass to promote healthy growth. However, it's essential to be strategic with timing and application rates when fertilizing. 

Applying fertilizer too early in the season can lead to rapid weed growth, which can quickly outpace the grass. Instead, wait until the grass has begun to green up before fertilizing, and be sure to follow recommended application rates.

Tip #5: Mow at the right height

Mowing your lawn at the proper height is crucial for early spring and year-round weed control. Taller grass shades the soil, making it difficult for weeds to germinate and preventing them from receiving the light they need to grow. 

Mowing the grass too short, on the other hand, can cause stress to the grass, leaving it vulnerable to weeds and disease. Aim to mow the grass to a height of around 2.5 to 3 inches, depending on the variety, to promote thick, healthy, and weed-resistant turf.

Tip #6: Consider herbicides

When it comes to early spring weed control, herbicides can be an effective tool for eradicating unwanted growth. However, it's important to use the proper type of herbicide and apply it correctly to avoid damaging the grass or other desirable plants. 

For broadleaf weeds, a selective herbicide is the most effective option, as it targets only the unwanted growth while leaving the grass unharmed. As always, follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply cautiously.

Tip #7: Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn in spring is a beneficial practice that can greatly improve the health and vitality of your grass. During winter, the soil can become compacted, making it difficult for air, water, and nutrients to reach the grass's roots.

By aerating in spring, you create small holes in the soil, allowing for better oxygen circulation, improved water absorption, and enhanced nutrient uptake. This process also helps to break up any thatch buildup, which can suffocate the grass and hinder its growth.

Additionally, aeration promotes stronger root development, leading to a more robust and resilient lawn. Overall, aerating your lawn in spring is a proactive step towards ensuring optimum conditions for your grass to flourish throughout the growing season.

Tip #8: Add Lime if Necessary

Adding lime to your soil in spring may be necessary in North Texas due to the region's specific soil conditions. North Texas soils tend to be naturally acidic, which can lead to various problems for plant growth. 

When soil pH is too low, essential nutrients become less available to plants, hindering their overall health and growth. By adding lime, you can raise the pH level and neutralize the acidity, creating a more balanced and favorable environment for plants to thrive. 

Additionally, lime helps to improve soil structure, allowing for better moisture retention and nutrient absorption. It also encourages beneficial soil microorganisms, which further contribute to healthy plant growth. 

Conducting a soil test to determine the pH level is recommended before adding lime, as excessive application can be detrimental. Overall, adding lime to your soil in spring can be a necessary step in optimizing the growing conditions for plants in North Texas.

Tip #9: Hire a professional

For homeowners who prefer to leave lawn care and weed control in the hands of professionals, hiring a reputable and experienced lawn care service can be a wise and convenient choice. 

Professional landscapers have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to identify, prevent, and eliminate weeds effectively, while also providing essential maintenance services such as fertilization, aeration, and overseeding to keep your lawn thick, lush, and healthy throughout the year.


In summary, early spring weed control is essential for promoting a healthy and beautiful lawn throughout the growing season. By adopting the tips above, you can keep unsightly weeds at bay and enjoy a vibrant and lush outdoor space that enhances the beauty and value of your property.

Posted in Gardening on Mar 26, 2024