Common Mistakes to Avoid in Garage Door Installation



Installing a garage door might seem straightforward, but it's a process that requires precision and knowledge. Being aware of common mistakes can save homeowners time, money, and ensure safety. Here are some frequent errors to avoid:

1. Incorrect Measurements

  • Issue: The dimensions of the garage door space dictate the size of the door needed. Miscalculations can lead to a door that doesn't fit, leaving gaps or failing to open and close properly. It's not just the width and height; overhead space (headroom) and side clearance (sideroom) are equally important for the tracking system and door opener.
  • Solution: Use a reliable tape measure. Measure twice, and if possible, have someone else verify your measurements. Consulting a professional for measurements can be a wise decision, especially for custom-sized doors.

2. Ignoring the Manual

  • Issue: Each garage door has specific requirements for installation, including the placement of brackets, the winding of springs, and the setting of openers. Overlooking these details can result in improper installation, leading to a malfunctioning or unsafe door.
  • Solution: Take time to read through the manual thoroughly. Highlight key steps or any unique installation requirements that are specific to the model you’re working with.

3. Using Old Tracks

  • Issue: Old tracks might not align with the new door, causing it to be off-balance or track improperly. This misalignment can strain the opener and increase wear and tear.
  • Solution: Replace old tracks with new ones that are designed for your specific door model. This ensures a perfect fit and smooth operation.

4. Neglecting Safety Measures

  • Issue: Garage door installation involves handling heavy components. Incorrect handling, especially of the spring mechanism, can cause serious injuries.
  • Solution: Understand the risks involved, particularly with the torsion spring. If the spring is wound improperly, it can unleash significant force. It’s advisable to hire professionals for parts of the installation that involve high-risk tasks.

5. Poor Material Choice

  • Issue: The material should be chosen based on durability, maintenance needs, insulation properties, and suitability to the local climate. For example, wood might rot in damp climates, and metal might corrode in coastal areas.
  • Solution: Research materials thoroughly. Consider consulting with a local expert who understands the climatic challenges and can recommend the best material for your area.

6. DIY Overestimation

  • Issue: DIY installation can be tempting, but the complexities and risks involved with garage door installation are often underestimated. A poorly installed door can lead to problems like uneven opening, increased wear and tear, and even accidents.
  • Solution: Assess your skills realistically. Basic mechanical and carpentry skills are needed, along with an understanding of safety procedures. When in doubt, choose a professional installation.

7. Inadequate Tools and Equipment

  • Issue: Specific tools are required for different steps of the installation, like leveling the door, securing the springs, and ensuring the tracks are aligned.
  • Solution: Prepare a checklist of required tools based on the manual. Rent or purchase any specialized tools you don’t own. Remember, using the right tool not only makes the job easier but also safer.

8. Ignoring Balance Testing

  • Issue: An unbalanced door can put unnecessary stress on the opener and door mechanism, leading to premature wear or failure. Balance testing ensures that the door opens and closes evenly and smoothly.
  • Solution: Perform balance tests at various stages – after installing the door and then after setting up the opener. Adjust the spring tension as needed to achieve proper balance. This might require several adjustments to get it just right.

By avoiding these common mistakes, homeowners can ensure a safer and more efficient garage door installation. Remember, when in doubt, it's always safer and more efficient to consult with or hire a local garage door installation specialist.

Posted in Homeowners on Jan 18, 2024