10 Surprising Ways Trees Benefit Your Home

Trees are a wonderful addition to your home. Whether you’ve had trees in your backyard since you moved in or you’ve planted your own alongside existing ones in the hopes that they’ll be a place your future grandchildren and great-grandchildren might come to visit and see.

There are many ways trees benefit your home and ultimately, trees are important to the environment, particularly with more and more of them being torn down for development whether that’s residential or commercial.

If you’re looking at adding trees to your space or you’re just interested in how they might benefit your home, then here are some great uses for trees on your property. 

1. Beneficial for your mental wellbeing

Sometimes, the value of things in our lives is most valuable when it benefits our mental health. Trees are known for their restorative efforts on the mind, as well as being therapeutic to be around. That’s why many of us enjoy being outdoors and around nature. There’s something extremely calming about trees and simply watching them sway in the breeze.

By planting more trees, you’re likely to find more happiness and that happiness can spread beyond just yourself and your household. It can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone who visits your home or passes by.

For your mental wellbeing, anything that can provide a positive relief and benefit to the mind, is worth spending your time and money on. That’s why it’s important to plant trees whether they’re planted as a seed or they’ve already partly grown and ready for planting permanently in your favorite spot.

2. They provide extra oxygen for the world

As more trees get torn down, it harms the world we live in because like many plants, trees produce the wonderful oxygen and air that we breath. Trees breath out the air that we breath in, which is a beautiful thing to think about.

Without trees on the planet, we would essentially suffocate. That’s why it’s important that conservation programs and charities exist, in order to plant new trees and hopefully ensure the world we live in can be enjoyed for longer.

When it comes to your own, planting just one tree in your backyard or on your property somewhere, can be that extra bit of oxygen needed for future generations to enjoy long after you’re gone.

3. They’re a great form of art to enjoy visually 

While standing outside in nature is a luxury to all your senses, trees are great to explore visually with your eyes. They’re a form of art and one that’s often underappreciated by many who simply walk by them every day whether that’s on their way to work or strolling through a park.

These trees that you walk past or simply exist in, some have been there for long before you were on the planet. Just think about what some of these trees have seen.

As humans, we can appreciate art in it’s many forms and there’s no more beautiful art than trees. When you’re looking to switch off from the world, instead of going to a museum, why not just sit in your backyard instead? Some don’t even have the luxury of a museum on their doorstep but what thet often have is a lot of nature in the local area.

With your own home, having an assortment of trees, of all shapes and sizes, can make for a gallery you’ll never tire or get bored of.

4. Good source of wood

Depending on how much you have available in the form of trees, you might find it necessary to cut down some of the trees, or part of them for the sake of resource. A lot of those who tend to chop down trees will then replant them if there’s a need for using the wood from the tree, around the home.

Trees are of course, made out of wood and therefore are a great source for those who might need it. From making fires to building houses and other structures, wood has a lot of uses.

While some might consider chopping down trees to be as bad as murder, sometimes it is necessary. Regardless of whether the entire tree needs to come down or not, it’s always good to look into a tree care service for the purpose of keeping any trees on your property in good health.

5. They provide food

There are many trees that provide more than just their leaves. Many trees provide a useful source of food, which can be great if you’re trying to encourag a more sustainable lifestyle as homeowners.

From apples, oranges, pears and bananas, you’ve got the best pick of the bunch when it comes to selecting fruit trees to plant.

While some trees will thrive more than others, depending on the climate and conditions, it’s definitely worth exploring the options available when it comes to fruit trees. Just imagine the wonderful benefit of trees in your backyard that you can pick from to make a delicious dessert or breakfast bowl of fruit from.

6. Trees provide much-needed shade sometimes

Even sun-worshippers need a little break from the sun every now and again. If you’re someone who loves the sun or hates it, trees are a great way of providing shade and a break from those UV rays.

In the summer, trees can be a particular godsend because they can often be a great way not only to block out the sun, but also the heat too. If you find yourself in an area where it gets quite warm, planting a few trees can be a great benefit to add some shade around your backyard.

After all, it’s nice to have a few areas in your outdoor space, where you can relax and unwind without the heat and brightness of the sun beating down on you. Not to mention it’ll benefit your skin to have a bit of time out from the sunshine.

7. Improves house value

Trees are a surprising way to add a bit of extra value to your home. By simply adding a few trees to the backyard, it can help you maximize some of that investment that you’ve spent on your home already.

With trees in general, they’re relatively inexpensive, making it good for your money and for your home, to add a few trees in where you can.

Take a look at what trees are best for your property’s space, what trees might be popular amongst homeowners with interests in nature and opt for those trees in your space.

8. Provides a natural insulation

We’d all like to save a bit of money on our utility bills. The cost of everything has gone up and that includes the money spent to keep the home warm. With that being said, trees provide a natural insulation for your home and that’s important to consider when you might need a bit more coverage during the winter.

You’ll find you spend less on the bills through the magic that is insulation from nature. Trees will both insulate in the winter and then provide shade in the summer. You’re getting the best of both worlds - heating and air-conditioning without needing to spend anything!

9. Adds privacy

Privacy is certainly an important thing to have when it comes to your home and with trees, they help add that extra bit of privacy, not only in the backyard itself but for the property. The last thing you want is anyone snooping in while you’re getting changed or meandering around the garden

We spend so much of our lives nowadays without privacy, that it’s important to try and salvage any remaining privacy that we have. Thankfully, trees can provide a level of privacy that helps keep your property secure, private and protected.

It’s worth checking with your neighbours though when it comes to selecting the right trees. You wouldn’t want to upset any of them by having trees that could potentially hinder their own views.

10. Great for kids and adults to climb

Trees are nature’s climbing frames. For many years and generations prior, kids of all ages - and adults - have used trees to climb to dizzying heights. Not only that but they’ve been a great way to explore the area around them, as well as getting creative with roleplay and adventure.

Some have even gone as far as to build their own house within a tree. While they might not be as popular as they once were, trees are a great way to explore the world around you, and what a fantastic way to help your children reconnect with the world.

Kids and adults alike can all enjoy trees for climbing, so it’s certainly worth finding the trees that are climb-worthy.

Trees are surprisingly beneficial for the home. If you’re looking to get more from trees, consider adding a few of them in your own backyard. You might be surprised at just how integral they are to your home both in the short-term and long-term. Not just for your children but for anyone who visits and gets to enjoy the comfort of your home and its outdoors.

Posted in Homeowners on Jan 10, 2025